chi siamo

ZINCHEM is a company specialized in the production and marketing of specific chemicals for hot-dip galvanizing used in the various pre/post-treatment phases. ZINCHEM is a young company that was born only in April 2008 but with a solid foundation like steel, being made up of people with experience in the hot-dip galvanizing sector for over 30 years.

Our chemists work side by side with the galvanizer ensuring a valid and professional technical support. Any problem, from the simplest to the most complex, becomes our problem too and that’s why, together with the galvanizer, we are always looking for the best possible solution.

I laboratori  ZINCHEM mediante la gestione computerizzata dello sgrassaggio, del decapaggio, del flussaggio, del bagno zinco e del passivante assicura l’ottimizzazione del processo chimico, il tutto sempre corredato da analisi chimiche.

Our chemicals being studied and formulated for hot-dip galvanizing have that little something extra that derives from our experience in the specific sector but above all from the passion we put into carrying out our work daily.

ZINCHEM cerca sempre di garantire quei servizi e quelle tecniche necessarie per ottimizzare al meglio l’aspetto quali/quantitativo della zincatura a caldo stando attenti a non trascurare l’economicità aziendale e l’impatto ambientale.
